Dr. Fredrick Ojiambo Obonyo

Obonyo, F.O., Maingi, N., Githigia, S.M. and Ng’ang’a, C. J. (2013). Farming practices and risk factors for transmission of helminthes of free range pigs in Homabay District, Kenya.  Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 25, Article #3


Obonyo, F.O., Maingi, N., Githigia, S.M. and Ng’ang’a, C. J. (2012). Prevalence, intensity and spectrum of helminthes of free range pigs in Homabay District, Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural  Development. Volume 24, Article #48


Eshitera, E.E., Githigia, S.M., Kitala, P., Thomas, F.L., Fèvre, M.E., Harrison, J.S.L., Mwihia, W.E., Otieno, R.O., Ojiambo, F. and Maingi, N.(2012).  Prevalence of porcine cysticercosis and associated risk factors in Homabay District, Kenya. BMC Veterinary Research 8:23 doi:10.1186/1746-6148-8-234


Email Address: fobonyo@must.ac.ke

Phone Number: University Ext. 248

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